Here are some more ideas I had for Andy's Barbeque I did change the name some to make it a little more interesting, but the name change still relates to the original Andy's because he claims to be the King of Lowndes County (valdosta).
This is a possible second company. But in this logo I want to just have a simple txt only design, and focus more of the advertising and concept design for the company.
For my rebranding project I chose to do Walters Famous Shoestore. This pic above was for the Walters SHoe store in Ny, which has been closed.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
This is my layout for my book cover project. We were asked to choose a book and redo the cover, I of course, choose my favorite author and book, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.
This is my final output for my package design. My product/company was Blue Bird Bakery and Wedding Cakes. I redesigned the wedding cake boxes that the company provides to the guests of the wedding so that they can take home a piece of the wedding cake. I also included a new box idea for Bon Bons, the company makes homemade chocolate bon bons.
This is a poster design for the documentary film Poster Boys. I have to say the moving was very boring :) , and it was a challenge to figure out my layout, I went through four layouts before I decided on this one.
This is my final output for my logo design for Nu Age Africa/Dafur.
This is an option for my logo design. The logo was for Nu Age Africa, which is a non-profit organization for refugees in Darfur africa. This was my first output for the logo, I didnt turn it in for my final layout but i still like it. But when i posted it on my blog, it changed colors, the original colors are deeper and much more bold.