Sunday, April 5, 2009

Almost there...

Feedback and advice is always appreciated :)


  1. i like where this is going, for sure. i think adding a photograph really helps the feel. weird nitpicky note: you misspelled supply in the paragraph. also, i don't really know if i like that paragraph aligned to the center. i think it should either be left justified or completely justified.

  2. I'm lovin' the direction for Walter's, especially the 5.5 ad.

    My critique is the photo in the ad. I feel that it could be edited some more, so that it doesn't look so rough due to the Photoshop editing (layer masking I assume?). If that's the case, refining the edges will definitely smooth the edges out nicely. :)

  3. Also, check the ppi resolution on the photo, just to see that it's 300 or not. Something to take a look at. :)

    See ya Tuesday!

  4. Have you tried making the white paragraph in a more standard font? I feel like maybe it's competing with all the other the other type since it is so decorative.
